these are my angry eyes

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Reader beware

im setting this bolg up for one main stop myself from cracking and going insane.
I do have another blog...a more "people friendly" one but i wanna vent and i wanna vent now, without having to explain myself to friends and family that may read the other one.
ARGH, why cant people just be nice
Im quiet sadened to say that i think La Mia Matrigna and i will never just get on, sure...we have our moments but OMGosh she can drive me CRAZY. i think shes unhappy in her life and just takes it out on the world....but im sorry she can control alot of the things that shes doesnt like so really,its HER fault. i gues cause im not what she would want as a daughter it gives her the right to be a BITCH to me, and really she is. For example, im sitting on the couch ...watching a dvd, and she walks in:
"are you watching lost" LMM
"no" me
"well you are now" LMM
Um, hello, anyone heard of nicities???Clearly not her!!!!!!! i know its sounds small but shit does politeness kill??? Yeah didnt think so.
until next time....yell at randoms